
maisie maclean

i'm at work right now, and it's the end of the night. i got a call from maisie maclean--born in 1933. she chatted me up for nearly a half hour! mind you, the average call time here is 120 seconds. some of the topics we (she) covered in our (her) conversation were her house being nearly broken into, her car accident, her health, her travelling to america in 1977, her being a teacher of nutrition, being married to a doctor, her neighbor who is 24 and has 2 kids, her getting up late this morning, what she eats for breakfast (muesli and yogurt), her children, her grandchildren, stories from when she was in year 2, and year 4, 9/11, how my supervisor must be telling me to get off the phone right now, how her mother was born in 1898 (!!), how there used to be a time when there were no seat belts, and so on and so on. I couldn't get a word in but I was perfectly content sitting there and listening to her speak. I felt it was bad karma to interrupt a 70+ year old lady who just wanted someone to listen for a bit. I only hope someone will take the time to hear me when i'm getting up there! i can just picture this adorable little old lady putzing around her house talking away. anyway, this little phone call made my day and at the end, good old maisie told me to keep her number and address for when we travel around the gold coast and she'll come pick us up at the airport! haha what a great woman! message for today---know that most people are good inside and just want someone to listen. also, i don't mean to preach, but respect your elders!

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