

type this in to view the awesomest cake ever!!! i'm making it the first free second i have! so simple---yet so fun.



test 1, 2...

SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, we're back in business people.


hot hot hot

IT IS HOT!!!!!!!! we're talking major heat wave. australia hasn't seen this kind of weather in 100 years. it's 104 right now, only to persist for the next 4 days! i personally don't hate it. we went to the beach today. the sand burns your feet if you stand longer than a few seconds. needless to say, most of our time was spent in the water.  

the australian open is getting exciting! i can't wait to federer and rodick. that will be a good match. also...i hope serena takes it! we'll see!

stay cool...


posting fixed!

i went into all the settings and all that jazz and figured out the posting debacle. so if you don't have a google account or aim or anything like that, than your comments will just be listed as anonymous. and if you do, then it'll have your name. and that's the only difference! so post away my friends!

now getting the pictures under control. oy!

under construction...

hey all!
i realize no one can comment and i can't really put up pictures unless it's through photobucket at this point, so i'm going to work this all out. it might mean i end up switching blogs so i'll put up a link if that happens. thanks for being patient.

quick update--
court and i move into our new apt on saturday! i'm job hunting and courtney's working for a company called simply energy doing door to door sales. that's that!



just a few...

Photobucket Album

honest to blog?

hey all-

just a little update. let's see. court and i went to a group interview on monday. it's for trying to get people to switch their power company to simply energy, which is going green. so, it's door-to-door and it's from 12-8pm. i decided it's not for me, but courtney's going to stick with it for a bit. i really like the concept, i'm just not comfortable doing it. 

so i'm on the hunt for a job. i think i'm going to work at the comedy festival doing office work and such. and then in may, when the festival is happening, i'll have more opportunities than just administrative. other than that, i've just been applying for jobs related to my field. if nothing works out, there's always jobs in restaurants. 

court and i looked at a great apartment yesterday and we think we have a good shot at getting it. cross your fingers!

are people not able to post comments? cuz i've gotten a couple of people who say it won't let them. send me an email if you can't so i know for sure. then i can try and figure out how to correct it. it's also been giving me issues with uploading photos. 

alright then. 



birthday alert!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYNTHIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!

life in pictures

Photobucket Album

well, they're finally up!! click on slideshow if you prefer to see them like that!


no worries mate

hi! alright, well last night we went to chris and jane's house for dinner. jane's aunt is one of my mom's close friends. chris is from saratoga and he lives here now with his wife and twin daughters! they're adorable...Grace and Ryan. it was nice to be able to go over and be in a home-comfy atmosphere. they're great people.

today, we were just toolin' around looking yet again for places to live. no such luck. we have an interview monday for a job that would pay very well and the hours are great...12-8pm! we don't even know what the job entails, so we'll see. 

we're currently just looking for a hostel that we can stay at for a while. everything is booked up because of the australian open. but we found some today that look good. if nothing works out---job, apt---court and i have decided we're just going to rent a campa (like a van type thing) and drive to another location, taking our time along the way. seeing where it takes us. we have no ties to any place which is kind of a liberating feeling. 

we're just lettin it ride! until next time---cheers!

*pictures are coming soon---for some reason, it's taking forever to upload them! but i'll then up!!!*




we're still searching for an apartment. we saw 2 today and we have 1 more at 7pm. so far--no go on either. we booked ourselves at the hostel until sunday now so we're buying a little more time. wish us luck!


holy kangaroo!!!

pretty sure courtney and i have fallen in love! we're still at the hostel, scoping out a place to live, but there are plenty of options. we love it. it's great. it's summer. it's our new home!

today we---
-woke up around 6:30am
-saved a starfish on the pier
-went to federation square
-got some beach time in

and that's where were at in the day!



We've Arrived!

Quickly---here's YOGURTLAND!!!

Ok, it's day 1 in Melbourne, AU! The flight was totally fine. I watched 4 movies and slept for a total of 3 hours. We took a cab to our hostel, dropped off our 1,000 lbs bags and headed out to the nearest cafe with wireless. Right now, it's noon and we just enjoyed some food, tea and coffee. 

First thing on our list is--FIND A PLACE TO LIVE! Oh--and get a phone too. We feel a bit out of place right now, but that will soon fade. We saw that Wicked was playing, so we may try to go soon and see it. I also want to try and get tickets to the Australian Open...cheapys of course. 

First impressions of Melbourne are, very quaint and trendy. The little downtown is adorable and there are a lot of young people here. We like it thus far.

Until next time---

Peace in the Middle East!


and we're off.....

hey everyone!

we're about to go to the airport. so until we're all settled in and are able to blog---adios!

cait and court


L A and the Beautiful People

It's our last night in the good ole U S of A!

Our time in LA has been great! Yesterday, we attended a taping of Chelsea Lately. It was great to see the set (which is tiny!) and see the inner-workings of the show. Chelsea Handler is funny in real life, yet very professional. She's in and out. The taping lasted a little under an hour, which is crazy efficient. After, we picked up Blair from her internship at E! and grabbed some thai food.  We had to watch the show that night to see if we could see ourselves...no go on that. Oh well! It was a fun day anyway. 

Today was a very exciting day! Blair has friends in high places so to speak. She worked at the WB lot on Pushing Daisies and Gilmore Girls, so she asked her friend Jody if she could get us passes to tour around the lot. We got there around 1pm and Jody actually gave us a tour around the ER set! It was awesome and everyone there was soo nice! We then walked around the Gilmore Girls set, which was so surreal to see. Blair got another one of her friends to let us into the Friends set! We were at Central Perk!!!!! Everything is definitely smaller than you'd imagine. It's cool to think that some of your favorite characters from TV used to come to work everyday right where you're standing! I also saw Kat Dennings, who's in 40-yr old Virgin and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. After, we went to our new favorite place---YOGURTLAND! We spotted LA Ink on the way. So Yogurtland is awesome because you go in, take a cup and put in as many flavors as yogurt as you want and then put tons of toppings on and then you pay by the ounce! It's amazing. Enough said. After that, we drove down to Manhattan Beach and walked along the pier. It was gorgeous! We were there as the sun was going down. Perfect. Later, we met up with Court's college friend, Kerry, and her boyfriend, Shaun, for dinner. We had a great time with them and currently we're all slumped on the couch in the middle of Season 2 of The Office! We had a very LA day which was a really fun adventure! Tomorrow is a relaxing day. We're going to catch a movie and eat lunch at this vegan place Blair likes called Veggie Girl. Anywho...pictures are below of our day. Tomorrow will be our "farewell to America" post! 

Hugs and Love. 


All Systems GO!

Hello All!!!

Just a little update to say that all of our flights were on time, even though the weather was iffy. Sorry Kate and Nink for not making breakfast this morning! We were a bit stressed trying to get everything organized!! We love you both! Now we're at Blair's dorm room at LMU until Saturday! We take the 10:30pm flight to Melbourne and arrive Monday at 8:45am! Until then, we're going to live the high life in LA with the beautiful people! 

Until Australia-

P.S. HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY NAYELI!!!! How great that you got to have a snowday on your special day!!!


Packing in Progress

Hey everyone! 
This is our first post. We're official bloggers now! We thought this would be perfect for keeping everyone in our lives up to date for the next year while we're in Australia.
So, Court and I are spending the next few days packing up and getting ready. We leave Wednesday for L.A. and while we're there we're going to see Chelsea Lately! We absolutely cannot wait to see Blair (our cousin) while we're there as well. January 12th is our first day in Australia. We've booked ourselves in a hostel for 3 nights and during that time, we plan on getting a place, a job and a new life! Haha--we'll see how that pans out. Anywho--our next post will probably be within the next week. Thanks for reading!