

kate left on sunday and court and i already miss her! last wednesday, i had a day off from work, so we had a caiti and katie day! we went to the aquarium, then to lunch and then relaxed and made dinner, wacthed a movie. typical stuff. we also stopped at my favorite treat store...little cupcake! on friday, we had a work party where the theme was to dress like 1940's gangsters and/or glamour. it was soo much fun. there was a swing band and a 3 course meal with free beer and wine (so dangerous!) all for $30. we had a blast. saturday was pretty relaxed, and we went out to dinner. then katie decided to stay up all night because she had to leave at 7am anyway, so why not! court was down and she made it, but i only lasted until 4am. so now courtney and i are returning to some regularity in our lives. we miss all of our house guests terribly, but it was tiring! anywho...here's some pictures of kate and i's day.

hugs and love.


are we too big for these? nope.

bruce and kate

the shark and his posse

tight squeeze!


katie and benjamin having a moment


dory and nemo

1 comment:

  1. I would like to be nomadic. I would love to be traveling from place to place, just seeing the world. Maybe that will come later!

    Pics of the aquarium are beautiful.

    Miss and love you!
