
L A and the Beautiful People

It's our last night in the good ole U S of A!

Our time in LA has been great! Yesterday, we attended a taping of Chelsea Lately. It was great to see the set (which is tiny!) and see the inner-workings of the show. Chelsea Handler is funny in real life, yet very professional. She's in and out. The taping lasted a little under an hour, which is crazy efficient. After, we picked up Blair from her internship at E! and grabbed some thai food.  We had to watch the show that night to see if we could see ourselves...no go on that. Oh well! It was a fun day anyway. 

Today was a very exciting day! Blair has friends in high places so to speak. She worked at the WB lot on Pushing Daisies and Gilmore Girls, so she asked her friend Jody if she could get us passes to tour around the lot. We got there around 1pm and Jody actually gave us a tour around the ER set! It was awesome and everyone there was soo nice! We then walked around the Gilmore Girls set, which was so surreal to see. Blair got another one of her friends to let us into the Friends set! We were at Central Perk!!!!! Everything is definitely smaller than you'd imagine. It's cool to think that some of your favorite characters from TV used to come to work everyday right where you're standing! I also saw Kat Dennings, who's in 40-yr old Virgin and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. After, we went to our new favorite place---YOGURTLAND! We spotted LA Ink on the way. So Yogurtland is awesome because you go in, take a cup and put in as many flavors as yogurt as you want and then put tons of toppings on and then you pay by the ounce! It's amazing. Enough said. After that, we drove down to Manhattan Beach and walked along the pier. It was gorgeous! We were there as the sun was going down. Perfect. Later, we met up with Court's college friend, Kerry, and her boyfriend, Shaun, for dinner. We had a great time with them and currently we're all slumped on the couch in the middle of Season 2 of The Office! We had a very LA day which was a really fun adventure! Tomorrow is a relaxing day. We're going to catch a movie and eat lunch at this vegan place Blair likes called Veggie Girl. Anywho...pictures are below of our day. Tomorrow will be our "farewell to America" post! 

Hugs and Love. 


  1. Girls How fun to see the sets of Friends, ER and Gilmore. Blair, I think I need to visit you! John Stamos's chair!!!! Court, you have a pic touching it!!!!
    By the way, I have lots of friends following your blog, so don't shock us!!!!

  2. I would be happy to show you around anytime, Aunt Jan!

  3. Caiti, I got your message on my machine at the shop about Chelsea and my friend Michelle. I wish you told me in advance that you were going to be going to a taping of the Chelsea Lately show...I could have had Michelle hook you up, but it looks like you had enough connections. Love the photos on the sets of ER and FRIENDS. Be safe!! and have fun in Australia.
    We all miss you...
    The girls send kisses and hugs your way.
