

courtney's at her first night of work! she's a waitress at a fine dining restaurant! i went to an interview about an internship possibility and it looks like i'm going to take it! i go in on thursday and they're going to give me a little side project to do. the company is called mediaEDGE and i'm specifically working for a magazine called award. i will be helping to put the magazine online and also doing some design work. i'll keep ya updated on how that goes! in the meantime, i'm still looking for work. the internship gives me lots of freedom with hours and days so i can work as well. gotta make rent!

court and i saw he's just not that into you last night. good movie. not the best, but enjoyable! i actually like bride wars better. more fun.

ummm guess that's it for now.

say a little prayer for all of the families here in victoria effected by the brush fires. it's pretty terrible. they suspect they may have been started by an arsonist. just awful!
